Welcome to the Speedway Swap Shop
N.B. TEXT DISPLAYS VARY BY DIFFERENT BROWSERS (No items are for sale, but I BUY as well as swap)

Programmes and Badges for swap
(Last Updated : 10/2/2024)
Items Wanted
(Last Updated : 3/12/2021)
Upgraded Old Programmes Gallery.
(Last Updated : 10/2/2024)
Upgraded Old Badges Gallery
(Last Updated : 20/6/2024
Is it Genuine ?
Advice on identifying an original programme/badge from a copy, or vice versa
(Last Updated : 26/6/2021)
If you wish to SWAP or SELL, either email at: swapper@speedwayswapshop.co.uk or 01313431451

Background: front cover of programme of first ever meeting held in Britain at Kings Oak (High Beech) on 19th February, 1928